Poplar Grove Farm

Object or Artifact: Camel Back Couch

Listen, we know this stuff looks cool, but none of it is valuable. For real. We are just very good storytellers, so don't steal our old stuff.

History and Details Regarding

Camel Back Couch

Jenny Smith bought this couch for $125 on January 24, 2023, from Tracey Quance, who was living in Fredericksburg.  Tracey was moving and told me the chair had been in her father’s possession for many years. It had cat scratch damage and weak strapping underneath when purchased. The cushions did not seem to fit quite correctly as they’d been overstuffed, but the couch was in good shape overall and did not need reupholstering. Jenny and Tracey manhandled the couch down a complicated stairwell, raising it up on end to get it out of the house and into the truck. Betty Brown helped Jenny get the couch into the house, where it was eventually moved into the den. 

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