Poplar Grove Farm

Object or Artifact: Red Cross Volunteer Uniform

Listen, we know this stuff looks cool, but none of it is valuable. For real. We are just very good storytellers, so don't steal our old stuff.

History and Details Regarding

Red Cross Volunteer Uniform

This blue Red Cross Volunteer Uniform is believed to have been used by Virginia Lee Fitzhugh Moore. We made this educated guess based on the small size of the dress, and because we know Virginia did assist with the war effort during WWII and even worked at the Pentagon. The uniform was found in 2023 in Mr. Jack’s room.

The yellow ribbons on the sleeve indicate that this dress was for someone who was part of staff support services:


Service Colors: The color distinctive of the branch of service is worn on the hat and tunic collar. On the hat is worn as described above. On the tunic it is worn as a tab at each end of the collar, each tab to be 1-1/2 inches wide and 2-1/2 inches long, straight at the lower end and pointed at the upper end, with a 1/4 inch black braid extending lengthwise through the center. The lower and outer end of the tab should be coincident with the end and outer edge of the collar. The color scheme is as follows, colors to match those of service pins:
Bright Dark Blue Yellow
Light Blue Green
Light Gray
For general Administration officers Production
Staff Assistance
Health Aids
Hostess, Hospital Service and Recreation

Source: https://www.collectarc.com/Uniform%20Guide.pdf, A Guide To American Red Cross Uniforms,
Compiled by: Shirley Powers Volunteer Historian–Memorabilia American Red Cross,
Second Edition April 2006, see also https://www.redcross.org/content/dam/redcross/National/history-wwii.pdf

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