Sam and the Buried Treasure at Devil’s Backbone
Sam Jones believed a treasure was buried on Poplar Grove Farm in the 1860s. Its location is still a mystery.
Sam Jones believed a treasure was buried on Poplar Grove Farm in the 1860s. Its location is still a mystery.
Stafford County commissioned a survey of slave-related locations within the county in 2015. It is referred to in the survey by the unfortunate, inaccurate moniker “Fitzhugh Family Slave Cemetery”. There are no slaves who belonged to the Fitzhugh family buried in the slave cemetery at Poplar Grove Farm, and no slaves named Fitzhugh are buried here either.
Who held slaves at Poplar Grove Farm? Where did slaves live at Poplar Grove Farm? What were the names of slaves who lived at Poplar Grove Farm?
Photographs and some interesting stories about slaves who lived on Poplar Grove farm: the Parkers, Henry Cooke, Sam Jones, and John Day.
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